Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Picture Talk activity to build vocabulary and sentence writing

source: Asher Prior, Warrawong PS.

Picture Talk
A ‘Picture Talk’ is :
● A way to talk about words - what words you already know, introducing new words, using those words in sentences and linking ideas about your life to the picture.
● This can be spoken (and written) in your first language, English or both.
● You can use Google Translate to help with translations.


 1. Look at the picture for 1min.

2. Answer these questions (talk);

  • What is going on in this picture?
  • What do you see that makes you say that?
  • What more can you find?

3. Label the picture with all the words you know. Get help from a parent or use Google Translate to help with the words you don’t know.

4. Write some sentences about the picture. You can start with;
○ I see…
○ I think…
○ I wonder…
○ Or you can write a real or made up story using the picture as an idea.

*You can add the word “because” to make your sentence longer.
*Remember to tick off the words you use.

Now it's your turn. Try to complete the activity using the images below. You could ask your teacher or parent to print for you, paste in your book and give to your teacher.